Interested students from all over the world are sending in their written memorandum based on a fictitious case. Registered teams have to send one Written Submission for the Complainant and one Written Submission for the Respondent (two separate Written Submissions in total). Each Submission shall not exceed 35 pages, not including the cover page. Regardless the fact, whether a team is preparing to compete in the International Written Round or they are sending their Written Submissions for scoring before the Regional Round, it is of crucial importance to bear in mind the role of the Written Submissions in the whole competition. In the preliminary rounds, the teams will be ranked according to the total score of their oral pleadings (60 %) and on the evaluations of their Written Submissions (40%).
Afterwards, all the teams will have the opportunity to present their oral submissions both for the Complainant and the Respondent to a Panel at a Regional Round. The Panel consists of WTO professionals and trade law experts. The John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition is made up of two European Regional Rounds, two Regional Round for Asia-Pacific, an All American Regional Round and one Regional Round for Africa. The Regional Rounds shall have at least three stages: Preliminary Rounds, Semi-Finals and the Grand Final.
Currently, the Regional Rounds will be hosted physically. ELSA International reserves the right to change to a Virtual format considering the COVID measurements in the hosting countries.
28 February – 3rd March 2025
7th – 10th March 2025
(18th – 21st March 2025)
15th – 18th April 2025
23rd – 26th April 2025
29th April – 2nd May 2025
The best 24 teams from all over the world are qualified to participate in the Final Oral Round that takes place at the WTO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.