The Jus Mundi platform offers a comprehensive, multilingual, and user friendly search engine for advanced academic research in international law. Jus Mundi covers over 3800 international treaties (BITs, FTAs, multilateral agreements) and over 30,000 international law, investor-state and commercial arbitration documents issued by ICSID, UNCITRAL, IUSCT, WTO, ICC, SCC, ICDR, ICJ, PCIJ, PCA, ITLOS, Mixed Claims Commissions and other institutions.
Jus Mundi offers several advanced linguistic features and more than a dozen filters to narrow down search criteria based on open or specific search strings, legal concepts relevant to the search, case type, decision type, type of legal document, decision-makers, dates, and more.
Jus Mundi will provide free access for all the participants of the competition to their platform as well as training sessions.